Sunday, August 07, 2005

Thank you.

Today, I serve as the Treasurer of the Young Democrats of America. I consider this a great honor and privlege. Over the next few days I will post my comments regarding the convention and invite your questions and feedback.

I know the only reason why I was able to go this far is because people prayed for me, supported me, counseled me and invested in me.

Thank you all.


At 12:49 AM, August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Job Kris

You Da Man :)

Thanks for all of your help and guidance this weekend :)

At 12:52 AM, August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Someone said they would bring Potato Salad to your Victory party :)

At 2:17 PM, August 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kris!
I had a GREAT time in San Francisco!!!

At 4:11 PM, August 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kris great job you will do a fine job. The potato salad joke is really getting old


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