Friday, July 22, 2005

A day in the life III

So, I am greeted by a few church members and I am glad to see them. Lakisha was given the role of official photographer so she caught me in some action poses shaking hands during the early minutes of the fundraiser. I was told by a church member who now works with me that a line is beginning to form. That is encouraging. However, the most pressing issue is this bothersome boutonnière. I am trying to find April so she can affix it to me. I finally hold her still and she affixes the boutonnière. So now more people start to stream in. I am shaking hands and thank people for coming and thank them for their support.

I am greeted by old friends, parents of friends, co-workers of family members etc. I am excited. The food was presented at 5:45. Wendi, April and I decided to have the food come out in two waves so this was the first wave. I am directed by my team to go near the door and shake hands as people come in. Now we approach the 6pm hour. None of the selected speakers we consulted with are present. We have to improvise. This is the first major wrinkle. Wendi and April decide that LaKisha should introduce me. Now by this time I still do not have a speech written but I'll have to wing it.

Lakisha's words were appropriate and brief so now it is on me. I speak for a few minutes. I acknowledge God and my family and speak on why I am involved and what my expectations are. We brought with us a small platform that allowed me to see into the crowd and from that perspective I was able to appreciate the size of the crowd.

So, I will not belabor the point. Alls well that ends well.

I thank you all for coming and be ready for 2nd Annual Friends of Kris Anderson, July 2005!


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