Friday, July 22, 2005

A day in the life of a candidate.

You may post to this entry if you choose. Moreover, I want to share with you all my perspective on the day of the fundraiser in diary form.

When I woke up I was a tad bit nervous. By this time I have sent out hundreds of e-mails, text messages, voicemail messages and reminder phone calls but I am of the mindset I can not do any more. I proceed to drive to work. Once I get on Lake Shore Drive I realize I made a tactical mistake. I wanted to drive to work and have my car downtown with me. However, upon further reflection I should have parked in Hyde Park as I usually do and caught the train. It was always my intention to leave early so I could have left and returned to Hyde Park via the train. I am nearly downtown when this option dawns on me. I park my car in the south Loop (Financial District) and catch a cab to the office.

Prior to beginning my workday I change my voicemail greeting on my personal cell phone. I (correctly) assume that numerous calls will forthcome asking basic information. My day at work is normal and then the weather becomes unbearable.

I look out of the window of other team members and see that the sky is black. No sunlight could penetrate these clouds and the clouds are full of moisture. The thunder and lightning follows soon thereafter. My heart sank. Even though I never question God, I felt as if God hates me personally. Why? During a summer that is being marked as the worst drought period of decades, why would it rain on my day. Regardless, the rain stopped, the sun returned and I felt a little alleviated. However, my heart is still heavy thinking about the evening event and what shall happen. At this point I have received less than 14 RSVP's. Including my family, some co-workers and close friends, I am thinking I will have a fundraiser of only 3 dozen people. Regardless, I will continue to smile.


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