Friday, July 22, 2005

A day in the life II

So I leave work, I walk to 900 South Wells where my car is parked. The solitude is good. I reflect on what I shall say that evening and how I'd like things to go. I head to the Bally's Sports Club on 47th Street. I quickly groom myself and don a new suit. (The suit was purchased by LaKisha Blue for Christmas and this was my first opportunity to wear it.) I leave the gym at 4:50pm and dart downtown.

Traffic is cumbersome near Randolph & Michigan. I finally arrive at the venue at 5:20. I have yet to write down some words for the supporters who are enroute. I get some things out of my trunk (cash box, tripod etc.) and I park my car across the street. I usually do not carry cash; however, today I was prepared. So I enter the resturaunt and some people are already gathered.

Some co-workers left promptly at 5pm and walked the short two blocks to ensure seating. My parents and Carrie were there too. My able campaign staff, April Williams, campaign manager and Wendi Waddy, event coordinator ensure everything is set up and proper. My volunteers for the evening (Renee Cummings, Nioka Young and Tamara Harris) were all stationed and ready to go. So now all we have to do is wait and see who comes.


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