Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Friends of Kris Anderson

You all are invited to my first (and probably last fundraiser)! Invites are forthcoming and my website will change to announce this great event.

310 W. Franklin
Randolph/ Franklin

July 20, 2005


Sponsorship Levels

$ 25 Best Friend

$ 50 Mentor

$100 Kitchen Cabinet
(if you don't understand the signifigance of the last entry please see these sites, or

Post and let me know if you will attend.

If you wish to pre-pay for your ticket please mail your check to:

Friends of Kris Anderson
30 N. LaSalle
Suite 1717
Chicago, IL 60602

If you interested in helping out or getting more information please call my able and beautiful campaign manager Ms. April Williams (773) 965-2084


At 11:36 PM, July 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Kris

At 1:40 PM, July 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work on Wed nites, but you already received my contribution.
Let meknow if u need anything else

At 7:52 PM, July 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... what you mean by "probably last"????? Though I've only known you for a short while, Kris politics appears to be in your blood!!!! I gather that "probably last" is with respect to running for Treasurer of the YDA only, right?????

At 2:43 PM, July 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Howard Handler be there?


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