Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Go to a museum!

What did I do over my Spring Break? I got educated. I visited the Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum and I encourage all of my friends to do the same.

The feature exhibit is "The African Presence in Mexico", From Yanga to the Present. I never knew there was an African presence in Mexico. This is untrue. Similar to Puerto Rico some slave ship landed in Mexico and shortly thereafter a new people came forth. I'll provide you with some teasers...

* The song Llabamba made famous by Richie Valens is an African-Mexican folk song.

** The resort city of Aculpoco is next to a state within Mexico that has a large population of African-Mexicans. Most people assume these people are dark because of exposure to the sun, UNTRUE.

Well I hope you visit.

Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum
1852 W. 19th Street
Chicago, IL 60608

(312) 738-1503


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