Thursday, August 25, 2005

Law School

If anyone reading the post is interested in attending law school; DON'T. :-)

Seriously, it is alot of work but I am enjoying myself and enjoying my classmates. A classmate from another section is a former intern to President Clinton and worked with the President in his Harlem office. While I thought I was blessed to travel with Congressman Jackson I think it is even cooler to travel with a former President to South Korea. Another classmate is a former Huron employee and worked alot with the United Airlines bankruptcy. Another classmate is politically savvy but she is on the other side of the aisle. She was an administrative staffer for Washington, DC think tank and after that worked for the White House. I am in good company.

My schedule is sporadic, this ensures 1L's do not work, additionally, the amount of reading required is astronomical! However, if it were easy everyone would do it. To whom much is given hence much is required. You all know much was given to me, thus...


At 1:11 PM, August 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me about it! I worked at the Loyola School of Law Library while I was an undergraduate, and I saw how the Law School students looked. Additionally they were good sources of information. I also had the good fortune of having mentor who attended Law School at Howard, he then went on to work at Kirkland and Ellis. He quickly left that job to clerk for a federal judge in Oklahoma.

Given all that I saw and heard, I decided that I would put Law School off for several years, and instead focus on getting a couple of Master degrees and possibly a Ph.D. first. I don't want too much.

Lot-o-luck, Kris!

At 4:35 PM, August 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel you, my 1L brother... I hope everything is going well for you, relatively speaking...

At 9:11 PM, September 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your a smart guy you can do it. Trust me I feel your pain, for everyhour i take out, is an hour i put in. I'm hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel at some point!

Hook'em Horns!



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