Monday, June 27, 2005

Roll Call

Now that I have listed those CONFIRMED with the group rate I need everyone else to chime in. Please reply and let me know your arrangements: time time you arrive, which airport and whether or not you have a room.

Omar Williams

Emily Robinson

Taniesha Jones

Joe Moreno

Victoria Vanoureck

Brian Cross

Sandy Cross

Gary Medina

Martin Flowers (& Flowers Family)

Tyharrie Hill

Catherine 43rd Ward

27th Ward

6th Ward

20th Ward


At 11:08 AM, June 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be arriving in Oakland on Thursday at 7.45pm on American Airlines. I'm hoping one of the rooms can be put into my name, if it hasn't already. Thanks!!!


At 1:52 PM, July 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I previously discussed with you that I cannot go. My place of business is closed the second week of August and there was no way that I could take that whole first week off cuz'then I would be out of work for over two weeks!
I send everyone my best and wish you everything and the best of luck!
Let me know if anyone needs anything.


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