Monday, June 13, 2005

Streets of San Francisco, Pt. Troi

When you reply to this post please answer the following.

Are you taking the group travel plan (Southwest Airlines, $250, departing 3:45 Thurs., Aug. 4 returing 2:45p Sun., Aug. 7)?

If not, when are you getting to San Francisco?

If so, do you need a roommate? Reply with the specifics or your roommate needs? Coed, non-smoking, max roommates desired etc.


At 4:45 PM, June 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be using the group rate. I am also interested in rooming with others (preferably people who do NOT snore)!:)

At 4:48 PM, June 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to add that I prefer to share a room with a non-smoker and female(s). If the co-ed option is the only option available for me, then it would have to be more than just 1 female (e.g., myself) and 1 male. It would have to be several females and several males sharing.


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