Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deep Throat Pt. Deux

The Washington Post and Bob Woodward have confirmed Deep Throat. Who did you think it was and would you have the courage to do what he did?

Also, for your reference http://www.vanityfair.com/pdf/pressroom/advance1.pdf


At 11:18 AM, June 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think that Mr. Felt was courageous at all. Besides the fact that he violated national security by leaking details to the press, he waited more than 30 years to come forward. If he were really courageous, he would have been more straightforward. What he did was illegal, whether it was moral or not is not the question. If he had a moral duty to tell, then he should have accepted the consequences that came with his moral duty. Now, we have to hear about a 90-year-old man with failing health who leaked secrets thirty years ago in the upcoming weeks when it no longer matters.

At 12:05 PM, June 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally think Mr. Felt did what he thought he had to do given the political climate of that time. With Nixon trying to seize all the power, I don't think he would have been well recieved but more importantly I doubt anything would have come of it. No one at the time was willing to blantly work against the President even in the FBI.


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